Welcome to Phase 2

Advanced Skills

Phase 1: Foundation Skills

You will learn to train your dog efficiently and effectively. We will ensure that you, the handler, understand the most current  training methods and can achieve results like a pro. 

You are here.  

Phase 2: Advanced Skills

This focus is on achieving fluent skills in preparation for service tasks and public access. As your dog builds essential skills, you'll add distance, duration, and distractions to create solid behaviors.

Phase 3: Service Tasks

While you're learning the basics of task training and working
in public, we'll make a plan for your service tasks. Your dog will learn to perform three (3) meaningful tasks to support you. 

Phase 4: Public Access

Everything you've learned from the first three (3) phases will come together. You will see how your hard work pays off as you and your dog work as a team in public spaces.

Your Teams in Training requirements should be current before subscribing to this phase. 

If these are requirements are not fulfilled within five (5), you will be removed from the subscription until they are brought current.
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Before beginning

Phase 2

Advanced Skills

  • Letter of Medical Necessity
  • Videos of specific Phase 1 skills 

Phase 2

Advanced Skills

This is the second round of courses in our Teams in Training program. These courses focus on creating more robust behaviors as you begin working around distractions.
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